The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

KNX Invites its Scientific Partners to Take Part in its ‘The Technical Vision for the KNX system in 2020’ Contest

KNX, the worldwide STANDARD for home and building control, invites its Scientific Partners to take part in the contest: “The Technical Vision for the KNX system in 2020”!

KNX Scientific

The world changes and KNX changes as well. KNX is currently facing many challenges that affect the energy efficiency in the buildings: Renewable Energies, Smart Grids, Urbanization, etc. Today energy management is not only a building issue anymore. It is an inherent part of all fields in cities: building, mobility, infrastructure and energy generation. An efficient city energy management brings the individual contributions of the energy efficiency measures of the different fields together. It is like a puzzle: You get the global solution only when you combine the individual solutions, the individual puzzle stones.

Thanks to the KNX STANDARD, KNX is already today one of the largest providers for energy efficient solutions in the building sector. Due to this fact, KNX´s goal is to be the “building puzzle stone” with all its necessary interactions to other fields. Therefore the KNX perspective needs to become farsighted in order to provide innovative solutions as well by 2020: Building, Mobility, Infrastructure, Energy Generation and their interaction. But how does the KNX system need to be developed in order to reach this goal?

Join our KNX Scientific Contest now and contribute in confirming KNX as the leader in the Home and Building Automation industry. Share your KNX experience and KNX developments with the world!

How to participate

Create a video of approximately 60 seconds explaining what is your technical vision for the KNX system in 2020
Create a paper (2 pages), where you introduce your research and your KNX solutions concerning your vision. Don’t forget to give your project a name and attach as well a short summary. Please mention also all members in your team.
Register for the contest.
Upload your video and your paper and win a prize!

Details of the Contest

Start date: 1st of June 2013
Last day to Share: 30th of September 2013
Announcement of Winners: April 2014 during the KNX Top Event at light+Building Frankfurt (Germany)

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