The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Elauma Waagmeester Organises KNX Introduction Seminar for Installers

More comfort, more safety, more energy saving!
Whether it is a house or an office complex, the demand for comfort, mobility and flexibility for managing lighting, access control and heating/cooling increases. Simultaneously, the efficient use of energy is becoming more important. The Answer to this is KNX, the world’s only open STANDARD for home and building automation.
To make you familiar with KNX, Elauma Waagmeester is organising, in cooperation with KNX Netherlands, InstaVer and Theben a KNX seminar. The seminar will provide detailed information about what is possible with KNX, where it can be applied and why it is very interesting for installers. The purpose of this seminar is that the participants can then proceed with a KNX project.
The following topics will be covered:

What is KNX and where is it used?
KNX solutions and concepts
Cooperation and integration software

Participants will also be guided through an extensive showroom with various KNX solutions.

The workshop will be held on Thursday, February 6th 2014 at 16:00 at InstaVer, Lireweg 112, New Vennep.

The workshop is free of charge and includes refreshments.
For more information visit:–KNX-seminar-voor-installateurs

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