The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Country Profile: KNX Croatia

Olivera TomicBy Olivera Tomic, Apricum.

Croatia is a democratic parliamentary republic at the crossroads of Central Europe, Southeast Europe, and the Mediterranean. It has a population of 4.28 million and its capital and largest city is Zagreb.

The International Monetary Fund classified Croatia as an emerging and developing economy, and the World Bank identified it as a high-income economy. Croatia is a member of the European Union (EU), United Nations, the Council of Europe, NATO, the World Trade Organization and a founding member of the Union for the Mediterranean.

The service sector dominates Croatia’s economy, followed by the industrial sector and agriculture. Tourism is a significant source of revenue during the summer, with Croatia ranked the 18th most popular tourist destination in the world.

Following its admittance to the EU, Croatia is facing growth in demand for energy-efficient solutions, and this is where KNX has a great opportunity.

Croatia as part of the European Union.
Croatia as part of the European Union.

KNX in Croatia

KNX Croatia was founded on the 17th of April 2009 by representatives of Wago GmbH, Vimar, Merkantile d.d., TAPKO Technologies GmbH and Apricum d.o.o. in Croatia. These companies have a strong background in KNX software and hardware development and manufacturing.

The main aim of KNX Croatia is to bring the benefits of KNX technology to the Croatian market including engineers, electricians, and software and supervising engineers. We do this by cooperating closely with universities, preparing KNX lectures, translating KNX materials, establishing training centres, cooperating with trade associations such as the Association of Security Managers, and so on.

Croatia is currently in a very complex economic situation, with most projects on hold. Those which are in the building phase however, are prime candidates for energy-efficient solutions which would save money in the long run. This is exactly where KNX comes in, and our main goal is to work with as many architects, planners and technical advisors as possible.

The current economic situation means that the number of companies willing to educate their workers is declining, so in order to help with costs, we plan to establish more training centres in order to reduce travelling distances for candidates. We also plan to establish links to security systems.

The Mansion Kaboga in Dubrovnik features KNX-controlled LED lighting, HVAC, security and access, multimedia and intercom.
The Mansion Kaboga in Dubrovnik features KNX-controlled LED lighting, HVAC, security and access, multimedia and intercom.

KNX Projects

Despite the recession, KNX is proving to be the first choice of architects and planners, and the number of notable KNX projects is growing. The Cvjetno residential building in Zagreb for example, comprises 52 apartments and five penthouses. It features KNX-based automation of lighting, shades and drapes, HVAC and multimedia systems, and BMS system integration and visualisation of building parameters. Indeed access control and the security system are integrated into the user interface and BMS systems, with all systems’ functions being integrated into a central user interface.

The Cvjetno residential building in Zagreb.
The Cvjetno residential building in Zagreb.

The Hotel DoubleTree by Hilton features KNX-automated lighting in communal areas including the reception, bar and restaurant and outdoor area, while the lighting and ventilation system in the conference hall has integrated scene presets. Also integrated are video surveillance and measurement of energy meters. System integration is offered through a GUI, with complete control via PC or mobile iPad and Android devices.

The Hilton Hotel Doubletree in Zagreb.
The Hilton Hotel Doubletree in Zagreb.

KNX Croatia Membership

KNX Croatia currently has eight members and is open to anyone interested in KNX technology. The benefits of being a member of KNX Croatia include support and access to a database of potential clients, project managers, architects, planners etc.

For 2014, we plan to increase our educational activities in the building automation area, make users more aware of KNX technology and organise a conference on energy efficiency.

Croatia is not a big country, and KNX Croatia is well-known among architects and project managers, so if anyone is need of our services or is interested in joining us, we are only ever a phone call or two away, and are easily accessible via the website below.

Olivera Tomic is the Owner of Apricum d.o.o., and Vice President of KNX Croatia. Apricum is a manufacturer of KNX products, a KNX service and training centre, and a representative of Dallmeier products in South East Europe.

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