The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

KNX Association Announces the Founding of the KNX National Group Mexico

KNX Mexico founded! North America here we go…

Following the internationalization plan of KNX Association and the special focus on Latin America, the KNX National Group Mexico was founded on the 16th October 2014. This KNX National group constitute the 6th official representation of KNX in Latin America and the first one in the North territory.

Prior to the foundation, KNX arranged meetings with the most active players in the country at the KNX booth set up at the exhibition Expo Cihac. All details and plans were defined together with the members of the national association.

Hence, The Foundation Event of KNX Mexico was the final stage of a busy week with the confirmation from 26 companies ranging from KNX Members to local system integrator companies, giving the following structure: Jung (president); ABB (Vice-president) and KNX TC CMP (secretary).

Already, the first activities have been defined and we are looking forward to the next KNX event in Mexico!

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