The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

KNX UK Elects Di Stickland as its President

Following the recent KNX UK 2015 AGM, Di Stickland from the integration firm, Design Innovation, has succeeded Iain Gordon as the Association’s new President. Di is focused on bringing a fresh, dynamic approach to the Association’s UK initiatives and delivering substantial benefits to KNX UK member companies as part of a drive to increase awareness and adoption of KNX as the ‘de facto’ open standard for residential and commercial building control.

Di Stickland and Iain Gordon KNX UK

“I’d firstly like to thank Iain Gordon for the outstanding contribution he has made to KNX UK as its President over the last seven years,” comments DI. “As a passionate believer in the added value that a KNX solution can bring to residential and commercial projects, I am excited and motivated to work with the KNX UK board to grow the profile of KNX technology which, in turn, will lead to many, many more installations for KNX UK members. I am very much looking forward to the new challenge and engaging the support of the KNX UK membership in taking the technology to the next level.”

Di has extensive knowledge and understanding of KNX gained in her current role as Business Development Manager at smart home integrator, Design Innovation, and previously at electrical components company, Wieland Electric. She completed KNX partner training in 2008 and has acted as a serving board member of KNX UK since March 2014. In this capacity, Di has worked hard to promote KNX awareness and support the Association’s activities across the UK.

Beginning her Presidency by leading a series of KNX networking events around the UK in the months ahead, DI is keen to share ideas with and take input from KNX UK members and potential members. These events will also provide an opportunity for current members and those interested in joining the association to find out more about KNX and the benefits of belonging to the Association. A full programme and schedule will be announced shortly.

KNX UK represents manufacturers, integrators, wholesalers and training establishments associated with KNX open standard control technology for commercial and residential applications within the UK.

For further information on joining KNX UK call 0845 869 5908, email or visit

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