The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Lavergne and Micaelli Launch French-version Book on Building Control using KNX

Christophe Lavergne and Marc-Antoine Micaelli of DMC Technology and KNX USA, have just launched a book in French entitled ‘La Gestion Technique du Bâtiment – Le protocole KNX pour une performance énergétique optimale!’ (Technical Building Management – The KNX protocol for optimal energy performance!)

book cover

The book covers energy optimisation using KNX technology in buildings, with simple examples to illustrate concepts that may at first seem complicated.

It provides case studies, a guide to choosing hardware, and examples of programming for the more experienced. It also includes a preface by Heinz Lux of KNX Association.

An English version is planned, along with an English-version website.

For more details see

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