Thursday, June 18th 2020 | 3:00 pm CEST

This one-hour webinar will provide you with a detailed overview of ST’s connectivity technologies and solutions for building automation.With a special focus on KNX technology, we will provide information on ST solutions, including STKNW and S2-LP transceiver, and show you how they can address wired and wireless applications.
Our experts, together with our Authorized Partner TAPKO Technologies, will also present the latest KNX-RF multi-specifications based on the following ST solutions: the BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 wireless MCU and S2-LP Sub-1GHz transceiver.
- Building automation at a glance
- KNX background and market
- ST’s wireless solutions for KNX-RF communication and building automation: BlueNRG-2 BLE SoC and S2-LP Sub-1GHz transceiver
There will be a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar where ST’s experienced engineers will be available to answer your questions.
Registration information
There is no charge to participate in this event, but it is necessary to register through: