If you are exhibiting KNX products or services at ISE 2017 send your press release or news item to info@knxtoday.com.

Show Opening Hours:
Monday, 6 February 2017 Pre-show conferences plus Opening Keynote and Reception
Tuesday, 6 February 2017 10:00 – 18:00 hrs
Wednesday, 8 February 2017 09:30 – 18:00 hrs
Thursday, 9 February 2017 09:30 – 18:00 hrs
Friday, 10 February 2017 09:30 – 16:00 hrs

Show Report: KNX at ISE – Visualisation and Voice Control Make Waves
By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. Another ISE and another bumper year. The RAI Conference Centre is now officially full, with a large marquee erected

Overview: Voice Control is Making Consumers Think
By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. Once again ISE has exceeded expectations with a huge jump in visitor numbers and exhibitors. One of the big themes

Show Preview: KNX Developments to Look Out For at ISE 2017
By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. ISE is once again upon us and it’s great to see so much KNX representation at the show. The focus

Interview: Mike Blackman, Integrated Systems Europe
It’s that time of year again when the smart building industry is gearing up for ISE. Has much changed since last year? The answer is

ISE 2017 Attracts 73,413 Registered Attendees
A Catalyst for Growth and Innovation Over four days the largest Integrated Systems Europe exhibition so far drew the world’s pro AV community to Amsterdam
Basalte Presents New Deseo HVAC Control Panel with KNX Integration at ISE 2017
Deseo combines elegant design with intuitive functions At ISE 2017, Basalte announces a new version of its Deseo controller for easy HVAC controls. Deseo integrates
nomos system Announces B2B Development Platform Version of its IoT Automation Software at ISE 2017
KNX Association Stand 9-F170, ISE 2017 nomos system AG, a patented Internet of Things (IoT) automation software platform provider, announces today at Integrated Systems Europe
ise Presents New Version of its smart connect KNX Secure System at ISE 2017
KNX Association Stand 9-F170, ISE 2017 The new “Remote Access” is the revised version of the “ise smart connect KNX Secure”. The easy-to-install secure remote
GVS Shows Version 2.0 of its K-BUS Room Controller at ISE 2017
KNX Association Stand 9-F170, ISE 2017 The GVS (Guangzhou Video-Star Electronics Co., Ltd) Intelligent Room Controller is designed to be small in size with a
NETxAutomation Shows its New NETx BMS Visualisation for KNX Building Automation Projects at ISE 2017
KNX Association Stand 9-F170, ISE 2017 With the NETx BMS visualisation, the further development of NETx Voyager visualisation will be launched in 2017. The NETx
DIVUS Presents its HEARBEAT Solution for Secure KNX Building Automation at ISE 2017
KNX Association Stand 9-F170, ISE 2017 The solution for your stable, secure, and controlled network. DIVUS HEARTBEAT is a hardware software solution, composed of a
CONTROLtronic Shows its Living Emotions KNX Glass Touch Sensor at ISE 2017
KNX Association Stand 9-F170, ISE 2017 Innovative technology and superior design. The unique flat touch sensor made of real glass with precisely ground edges provides
ABB Presents the New Busch-Presence Detector Corridor KNX at ISE 2017
KNX Association Stand 9-F170, ISE 2017 The new Busch-Presence detector Corridor KNX is especially designed for use in hallways and long corridors. The detector reaches

KNX Association Invites You to ISE 2017
Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), is the largest AV systems integration show in the world. As leading technology for home and building control, it is no