The e-magazine for KNX home & building control


KNX-for-LEEDKNX Association now offers a new book, called: KNX for LEED, Enhancing LEED certification through implementing KNX technology. This guide brings forth, in a simplified way, solutions to comply with LEED strategies. Without going into highly technical concepts, what is offered is a knowledge that serves as orientation for the sustainable buildings consultant.

Any professional used to working with the principles proposed in LEED certification will be able to detect, when going deeper into the matter, that the standard KNX technology can help in the implementation of numerous strategies that are taught in the official LEED training, as well as in complying with numerous credits in order to obtain a particular level (platinum, gold…). This is precisely the base on which this guide stands: concrete solutions for LEED strategies, through the use of standard KNX technology.

The book is available in English and Spanish and can be ordered via the KNX Online Shop:

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