The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

Home of Technologies – KNX wholesalers, training centre and building automation solutions provider



Home of Technologies Limited:
87 Kimber Road
London SW18 4FS

Telephone: +44 (0)207 998 8252

Training & solutions:
Supplies & products:

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Home of Technologies (HoT) Ltd, based in London, distributes electrical and engineering components with a focus on building and home automation. The company specifically focuses on training and distribution of control technologies such as KNX, PLC, servers, BMS solutions, HVAC and standalone heating control components. HoT has in-house experts specializing in technical support on all distributed products and design proposals, who are able to look at your project demand ‘out of the box’ in order to make it successful, affordable, but without compromising functionality. HoT also develops its own products and distributes wiring devices for day-to-day electrical installations.

Home of Technologies offers everything that is necessary for automating your project:

  • Design
  • Training
  • Products & Supplies
  • Project support & Consultancy
  • Case studies

At Home of Technologies you can obtain a solution tailored to your specific project. The company has proven record of creating tenders for KNX applications where they have reduced the costs of projects from 35-55%.

Sign up to our media news or simply follow us on our blog, Facebook, Twitter fo-day-to-day updates about home automation. Our online presentation will introduce you to the basics of automation. We welcome meeting you in our office or on your site at your convenience. Registered projects can receive one day on site training*, remote 24-hour support for the first 3 months from commissioning and booked site visits within business hours.

* no travel costs within London and 70 miles of the M25, travel costs apply to visits out of this zone.

The Team

HoT-rafal_borekRAFAL BOREK
Company Director
+44 (0) 20 7998 8252 ext. 4

HoT-francis_kolmsFRANCIS KOLMS
Marketing Director
+44 (0) 20 7998 8252 ext. 2

HoT-patryk_sieradzkiPATRYK SIERADZKI
Technical Manager
+44 (0) 20 7998 8252 ext. 1

HoT-michalis_kakosMICHALIS KAKOS
Technical Support & E-Commerce Manager
+44 (0) 20 7998 8252 ext. 2

HoT-dany_simoesDANY SIMOES
Technical Support
+44 (0) 20 7998 8252 ext. 1

Products and Supplies

Home of Technologies is the sole supplier of high-end brands, such as Tense, CJC Systems, Divus, Eelectron. We also supply exclusively full server solutions from NETx Automation, sound systems from WHD. HoT is a WAGO Solution Partner and can build control cabinets with WAGO PLC devices for your project.

Other product brands include Theben, Hager, Weinzierl, Zennio, Wago, IDE and many others. A full catalogue of brands and products can be found at Home of Technologies’ online product store or


Our products, training and support services are designed to ensure that all of our customers can make the most from their projects and stay informed on selected components throughout the project life.

Please register yourself with our newsletter service to stay updated and send us e-mail with KNX TODAY 2017 in subject and receive £100 voucher on our online-store.


In addition to the KNX, PLC and servers, Home of Technologies store offers other electrical components that complement any project, such as European size backboxes, connector blocks, electrical meters with impulse outputs, LED profiles and lights, iPad docking stations and many other products. Please call us for more information.


Project Support & Consultancy

We offer our project consultancy services to all types of customers from mechanical and electrical professionals such as integrators and engineers to end users such as businesses and homeowners.

With great M&E experience in building automation, Home of Technologies offers the most complex and competitive technical approach and support to your automation projects through:

1. Design and propagate project briefs
2. Complex specifications and drawings
3. Cable schedules
4. Products trainings
5. Problem solving & multiplatform integration
6. Tailored solutions
7. Heating integration solutions for commercial and industrial applications
8. R&D for project-focused devices.

KNX Training

Top quality training boards
Home of Technologies training boards have products from over 20 manufacturers that demonstrate the real power and usage of the KNX protocol.

Real life training conditions
Home of Technologies create real life training conditions where trainees can mock up their own installations. The training programs focus on multi-platform integration, and all exercises are based on real life case studies.

Bring your own project
Got an existing project you are working on? Home of Technologies experienced tutors and technical staff will help you bring your own project to life.

Business Case

All trainees coming back within 6 months from completion of the training with a live project worth over £10k, will be fully reimbursed for the training costs on the first quotation with selected brands.

Aftercare support
We care about our trainees, and we want to make sure that you don’t get stuck on your first project. Our aftercare support will always be available to assist on your first project.

Upcoming KNX Training Dates

HoT-showcase416hr+ KNX Partner Course:
£300+VAT (w/o ETS5 Dongle)
£360+VAT (with ETS5 Dongle)
Contact for dates

HoT-showcase5KNX Basic Course:
£600+VAT (w/o ETS5 Dongle)
£660+VAT (with ETS5 Dongle)
Contact for dates

All Home of Technologies courses can be found here:

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