What is KNX? What can it be used for? When does it make sense to use the fieldbus? These and many other questions are answered on 90 pages of the new Theben KNX solutions brochure, which is comprehensive, straight forward and well illustrated. Various practical application examples demonstrate the advantages of a KNX building control system and show how it functions and why.
The brochure presents the entire range of Theben application fields. It starts off with potential solutions for safe lighting control in car parks then hotel corridors using orientation light. In the example of air conditioning control in classrooms, the advantages of CO2 sensors is made clear. Another example demonstrates the benefits of automated sun position tracking for building owners. Two further chapters illustrate the energy savings potential of clever KNX heating control, how it can be visualised, and put into practice.
Communication at eye level
As wide-ranging the application options for KNX, as varied the target groups: Apart from technology interested building owners, they range from electricians to KNX planners and system integrators. The brochure always sets the right tone: The solutions for the application scenarios and their benefits are always clearly communicated to the end customer. Electricians will find clearly structured product benefits and thus strong reasons to communicate to their end customers. Apart from diagrams with KNX group addresses, Theben offers the corresponding project file for the ETS as a free download for integrators.
For the first time, a video shows the systematics of Theben MIX2 actuators: What exactly is a removable bus coupler? What is the advantage? How can I mix basic module and extension module, and how can I reduce device and system costs with them? When do I use MIX2 and where?
The new Theben solutions brochure for KNX building system control is now available for download at