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Microsoft Offices in Denmark Fitted with KNX Intelligent Building System from ABB

Comfort and energy efficiency assured at Microsoft’s new offices with intelligent building KNX system from ABB.

ABB, the leading power and automation group, has supplied the the building automation solutions, on the KNX platform, for the new Microsoft offices in Denmark.

In Lyngby, on the outskirts of Copenhagen, stands the software giant’s new 18,000 square meter enterprise The building, designed by Henning Larsen Architects, is made up of two adjoining cubes with a large V-shaped atrium running through the buildings, creating a light and spaceous work place for employees.

Henning Larsen Architects worked closely with Microsoft to ensure the building satisfied their vision to create a workplace of the future – where Microsoft employees are able to think, work and collaborate in maximum comfort using state-of-the-art building automation technologies.

To achieve the vision, Hoffmann as general contractor, integrated an intelligent KNX system from ABB. The intelligent building system is designed to maintain the perfect indoor climate through optimized temperature, air quality, and lighting.

Mike Mustapha, Managing Director of ABB’s Building Products business, says: “This is a landmark building project using state-of-the-art solutions fitting for a leading technology company like Microsoft.

The KNX controls from ABB are adapted to the natural rhythm of the day, including the position of the sun in relation to the offices and walkways of the building.

“This is a Microsoft office and windows with a different meaning.”

An important specification for the building was that employees must have access to windows, created by the large open offices behind the building’s glass facades and meeting rooms adjacent to the atrium, where light can enter through glass ceilings.

By using the sun’s warmth and light where possible and adjusting the blinds and windows, energy savings are made with no cost to comfort, even the heat from the computers and servers is reused to minimize waste.

The Hoffmann systems department used ABB’s KNX intelligent building system components and was the first in Denmark to use MooV’n’Group from Newron System ABB, which is a graphical programming interface to KNX.

The scope and complexity of the KNX system makes it one of Denmark’s largest, with the building also meeting the Gold International LEED Standard for low-energy buildings.

“It is the largest technical system that Hoffmann has ever built, and we have succeeded at utilising KNX optimally together with other technologies in the building,” says Jan Roed, the BMS Project Manager for Hoffmann.

Among other things, the system is pre-configured so that the KNX building systems can be managed using a Web-based interface, where the employees are able to use their computers or tablets to adjust the lighting, sunshades and temperature. Only the meeting rooms have thermostats and pushbutton switches on the walls.

“We have been able to create such a sophisticated solution because we involved the suppliers and subcontractors early in the process to benefit from their expertise,” said Gorm Meyer, Project manager for Hoffmann. “This is why ABB was selected, because they provided the best solution and the best products.”

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