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TAPKO Delivers KNX RF Multi Secure v2.3 for the LINKY RF Smart Meter

KNX RF Multi Secure is the STANDARD protocol for the ERL module

TAPKO Gossé&Tech has delivered the first implementation of a security solution for the LINKY RF smart meter using open standards. For KNX communication, the wireless ERL module (Emetteur Radio LINKY) utilizes a KNX Secure RF protocol. TAPKO´s technology-agnostic KNX RF Multi Secure protocol stack is basing on the universally-adaptable KAIstack and assures the security of In-Home device communication. The MSP430F5 evaluation board equipped with a ML7345 radio transceiver is able to emulate the receiving and sending of the ERL KNX transmitter.

The LINKY RF smart meter device originated from the LINKY experiment in 2010, a project to improve the functioning of the electricity market, to help control energy demand and in doing so, to reduce CO2 emissions. During the Smart Electric Lyon project that started in 2012, ERDF (since May 2016: Enedis®) proved the general benefits of strong interoperability between LINKY, electric appliances, and the distributor supervision centre.

Secured ERL solution paves the way for Smart Grid

After the release of the ERL’s KNX software technology for the Smart Electric Lyon pilot project, TAPKO Gossé&Tech is providing the first KNX RF stack on KNX RF Multi and KNX Secure for Push-button configuration. LAPIS Semiconductor, a ROHM Group company, has partnered with TAPKO G&T to provide the KNX RF media driver for the ML7345 RF chipset.

• KNX Secure Push-Button Configuration Basic and Enhanced
• KNX Data Secure Group Communication Read/Write, encrypted and authenticated
• E-Mode Channel with appropriate new DPTs
• Highly reliable communication with KNX RF Multi and Fast Ack
• Low power receiver possible

ROHM LAPIS ML7345 is a new generation of RF chipset including a smart packet handler (compatible with wMBUS as it shares the same physical layer as KNX Ready) with Automatic Preamble generation, RX pattern detection, CRC checking and FIFO mode. Effort has been made for handling RF Multi with fast link acknowledgement by the ML7345, providing an efficient solution for communication between the electrical meter and any connected device in the house (In-Home Display, boiler, KNX home automation installation).

Demo application emulating an ERL transmitter

Firstly, the Wireless Control Tool 3 from ROHM has been updated to display and send KNX Ready telegrams using the ML7345EVA board. Closer to the ERL project, a demo application emulating an ERL emitter and receiver based on the ML7345EVA as RF module associated to a TAPKO MSP430F5 evaluation board is available from TAPKO and ROHM. Full KNX interworking and ERL KNX compliance is already included in the application that is based on the KNX ERL Easy Mode Channel functional block. Basic and Enhanced Secured Push-button configuration is supported. The dedicated new Easy Mode Channel with appropriate new DPTs has been designed by KNX for communication of all kinds of metering data and time information.

TAPKO KAIstack facilitates KNX RF Multi Secure to be LINKY´s first ERL solution
TAPKO´s KNX RF Multi Secure stack is already KNX certified. The latest certification for KNX Secure and Physical Layer with LAPIS Semiconductor was in September 2016. As provider of communication stack and applications for KNX RF Push-button, KNX RF Multi and KNX Secure TAPKO G&T will follow the last evolution of both ERL and KNX standards.

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