JUNG meets the need for simple and targeted motion detection: The motion detector Mini Basic is reduced to the essentials and detects movements in a radius of up to three metres.

The detector has a PIR sensor and thus detects movements accurately within 360 degrees, regardless of brightness. The sensor works reliably both tangentially (6 m) and radially (5.5 m): It detects movements across the detection area just as accurately as people moving towards or away from the sensor. This makes it ideal for cost-effective and energy-efficient room control, e.g. in hotel rooms, where it can be used to perform the occupancy function in a targeted and simple way. The motion detector Mini Basic is integrated in a KNX installation. In combination with other KNX components, such as the power supply with IP interface, it takes over the presence detection instead of a key card holder: When a guest enters the room, the air-conditioning system cools and the light switches on.
Parametrisation, configuration of the shut-off delay or brightness settings are performed via the connected KNX devices, such as with the JUNG KNX Multistation or a push-button interface. The motion detector Mini Basic receives the necessary power supply via a safety extra-low voltage (SELV).
At a glance:
- Particular cost advantage for KNX installations
- Simple and accurate detection of movement regardless of brightness
- Parametrisation via KNX devices
- Easy installation
The motion detector Mini Basic is impressive with its unobtrusive, high-quality design. Only its lens (Ø 35 mm) and design ring (together Ø 52 mm) are visible from the outside. As a result, it is very discreet and yet reliably detects all movements.