KNXSimulator S.L. is a Spanish start-up which has developed an innovative and pioneering software for KNX home automation simulation.
Comprising a group of architects and engineers specialised in diverse disciplines and with experience in many different fields of investigation, development and innovation in public and private businesses, the company has more than 15 years of experience working on automation with the KNX standard from different approaches:
- Design and development of KNX components.
- Teaching of the standard, we are KNX Tutors.
- Internationally commercial management in KNX products distribution company.
- Worldwide design, projection, integration and commissioning of KNX homes and buildings control projects (domotics/inmotics).
The union between the knowledge and know-how present in our diverse and complementary disciplines: architecture, engineering and programming, has made the conception, creation and development of the KNX Simulator possible. It is the first and only worldwide software to simulate KNX devices which allows you to learn by practising the implementation of homes and buildings control functions – just as if it was a real installation – no matter the place and without buying physical devices.