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Light + Building 2022 Focuses on Connected Security

Security is a need whose importance in society is continuously increasing. Whether digital threats, extreme weather conditions or health risks – one crisis is followed by another. Accordingly, the demand for security technology equipment and systems for homes and buildings is increasing. As the leading national and international industry platform, the topic of “connected security” also plays a central role at Light + Building 2022. 

In the Smart Home and Smart Buildings, cross-trade system technology is the basis for connecting all components and applications. Security installations play a central role in this. Innovative solutions and concentrated expert knowledge are offered by the exhibitors at Light + Building from 13 to 18 March 2022 in Frankfurt. The range extends from classic safety, security and fire technology to access control and monitoring systems and the protection of digital infrastructure and data.

Intersec Building brings together competence for safety and security 

“Connectivity + Security” is one of the top themes at Light + Building. Due to the increasing importance and demand, the industry meeting place is bringing together the range of products and services on the subject of security with the Intersec Building section in Hall 8.0. “Connected security technology is part of the modern building and can therefore no longer be viewed in isolation – integration is therefore a completely logical step in the development of our Light + Building. With the focus on Intersec Building, we are building on Messe Frankfurt’s expertise in the field of safety, security & fire. Here, we benefit above all from the experience of the leading trade fair in Dubai and continue to expand the network internationally with twelve globally positioned trade fairs,” explains Wolfgang Marzin, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Messe Frankfurt GmbH.

Companies exhibiting in the Intersec Building section are specially marked with a label on the booth, but also in the Light + Building Contactor. This makes it easy for visitors with a special interest in security to find the right offer and to plan their visit to the fair in the best possible way. In addition, the special interest theme “Emergency Lighting” is located in Hall 8.0 in the immediate area of the exhibitors with safety-related products and services.

Intersec Forum parallel to Light + Building 2022

Live and with a secure event concept, the fifth Intersec Forum, conference for connected security technology, will take place in 2022: It starts on the second day of Light + Building and accompanies the leading international trade fair for lighting and building technology in its Intersec Building section – with conference knowledge and expert exchanges on all aspects of connected technologies for the security of and in buildings.

The specialist conference for connected safety technology is the cross-sector expert meeting and networking event for those who plan, operate and develop building technology systems. Their challenges lie in the integration of various security systems and technologies. Accordingly, the conference content covers all technical, legal, economic, regulatory and scientific aspects of the networking building services and security trades. The focus will be on the industry topics: Future and business models of security technology in the networked building; Semantic interoperability of the trades, software and protocols; Video technology and access control, use of biometric data; Fire protection in the context of building renovation; AI and predictive security. The partner of the Intersec Forum for the conference planning is ZVEI-Services GmbH.

Further information on the Intersec Forum from 14 to 18 March 2022 in Hall 8.0 can be found on the internet at Conference participation in the Intersec Forum is included in the ticket price for Light + Building.

The Light + Building event will be held with the Intersec Building platform from 13 to 18 March 2022.

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