The e-magazine for KNX home & building control

HMS presents new Intesis gateway integrating Modbus RTU Client into a KNX TP installation

The enhanced substitute product for Modbus RTU integration into KNX systems.

HMS Industrial Networks presents a new Intesis gateway configurable from ETS, which allows the integration of any Modbus RTU device in KNX TP. With this solution is possible to integrate up to 100 Modbus server devices in a simple and flexible way, without plugins or ETS Apps.

Is the new version of an existing product, with a total hardware redesign that can be installed on a two-module DIN rail.

From the functional level, an ETS DCA has been implemented for the import of templates with the variables of multiple Modbus devices, achieving a direct, fast, and simple integration.

Templates can also be generated and exported by the integrator, so can be reused in future projects. The DCA also enables the device firmware update from ETS.

Intesis gateways are KNX certified and allow easy configuration or updates, in this case, logical operations such as multiplication, division, equal to, greater than, etc. are also enabled to adapt the values of each of the KNX signals to the Modbus registers.

Some applications for this new version are the Integration of air quality sensors, HVAC, or energy meters for energy efficiency. Below you will find replacement information and the expected availability. The older INKNXMBM1000100 will enter the life-cycle phase ‘Obsolete’.

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