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Market Data: what end-customers are looking for in a smart home with KNX

Yasmin Hashmi looks at data collected by KNX Association about what the priorities of end customers are.

Keeping a finger on the pulse of the market is an important part of any trade association’s activities, so it’s good to know that KNX Association has been doing just that.

Via its KNX Planning Guide online tool that is aimed at helping end-customers to work out their requirements and priorities, KNX Association has made a study of over 4000 people, and gathered some interesting market data.

End-customers have a wide range of interests when it comes to smart home technology.

The real estate

Based on 4095 responses during 2023, the typical customer owns a new-build house larger than 150sqm that is valued between EUR250k – 500k, and their budget for smart home technology is between EUR5k – 20k.

In more detail, nearly 82% own a house rather than apartment, and over 76% are involved in a new build project rather than an upgrade of an existing installation. Just over 51% of homes were of the larger size, namely more than 150sqm, and of the property value price bands, the most popular (33%) fell in the middle range of EUR250k – 500k. More than half (55%) also had a budget in the middle range of between EUR 5k – 20k.

The infographic below gives further detail:

Infographic showing project type, real estate characteristics and budgets for respondents.

Applications and Interests

The top priority for customers is comfort, followed by accessibility (means of control), energy efficiency and security. The application they are most interested in is lighting, followed by HVAC, shutter and blinds control, visualisation, remote control, security, AV, door access, voice control, custom solutions and assisted living. The most popular timeframe to get the work started in was within 31 – 90 days.

The infographic below gives further detail:

Infographic showing priorities and areas of interest, as well as timeframe for starting the project.


Although this market data only deals with residential projects (including the burgeoning requirement for home offices), it is exciting to know that there are thousands upon thousands of people keen to engage with KNX and get their projects off the ground in the very near future.

Perhaps understandably, new-build projects are the most popular type of project, but there is a lot of interest in retrofitting smart technology too, providing opportunities for KNX TP, RF and IoT solutions.

Comfort, control and energy efficiency are up there as clear selling points, with security following close behind. These are all key strengths of KNX, and it’s good to know that the message is getting through.

Yasmin Hashmi is the Editor of KNXtoday magazine.

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