Yasmin Hashmi asks a selection of KNX Association personnel and board members for their highlights of 2024 and what they look forward to in 2025.
Jean-Christophe Krieger, President of the KNX Association and KNX Chief Product Officer for Schneider Electric Industries S.A.

From the KNX Executive Board level, we started 2024 with a two-day strategic workshop from which four working groups were created, namely ‘Customer Journey’, ‘Applications’, ‘Regulations’ and ‘Internationalisation’. These groups define the future of KNX to meet our NorthStar objective; ‘Become The Champion in Buildings 4.0’ to optimise energy usage where we live and work. Our motto here is ‘KNX INSIDE Everywhere’.
Our goal for 2025, is to build and execute a structured roadmap to face our ambitions and challenges: simplify our customer journey, rejuvenate our image/web and assets, continue our focus on energy management, revisit our business model and innovate by including AI in our developments. Our motto here is ‘KNX is because WE ARE’.
Joost Demarest, CTO of KNX Association

As with every year, this year also saw many highlights. Among these were the Light + Building fair, the approved standard version of the KNX IoT device stack conformity tests, the digital and very professional online KNX Awards show, the handover of the presidency from Mr. Kammerl to Mr. Krieger, two Train the Trainer events that taught recent KNX novelties to KNX tutors, the market launch of new KNX S-Mode Multi devices and their certification, the certification of first couplers with security proxy and segment coupler functionality, and so much more.
For 2025, as a result of the creation of a Customer Journey Group directly under the KNX Executive Board, I hope to see the realisation of tools or procedures that would lower the engineering effort of KNX installations. My hope is that based on the semantic model that we created, ways are found to make the selection process of devices to build KNX installations easier (possibly resulting in a rudimentary ETS project) as well as making the linking process easier, potentially even with the help of artificial intelligence. KNX holds many strong cards thanks to its certified interoperability, but ease of use will be a deciding factor in ensuring that KNX remains the preferred solution both for installers and integrators. For basic installations (e.g. just focusing on energy management), simplicity during the installation phase is key.
Klaus Wächter, Vice-President of KNX Association, and Siemens Standardisation Management

From KNX Association’s point of view, a major event in 2024 was the change of KNX President. The KNX Executive Board met in Dublin in September in order to elect a new President and Vice President, and getting to know the national KNX leaders was an absolute highlight.
On the technical side, the market penetration of KNX IoT was still my main concern, but I see great progress here. Another challenge we are currently working on is KNX Secure including ETS from a CRA (Cyber Resilience Act) perspective.
I am very pleased with the growing number of KNX IoT supporters, whether they are manufacturers or chip vendors, and I will continue to drive this next year to further extend KNX IoT’s lead as the IoT solution for commercial buildings.
The new President and I are tackling a lot of things together to quickly bring KNX into the future. It will be a lot of work, but it is also very rewarding.
Dr. Thomas Weinzierl, Member of the KNX Executive Board and CEO of Weinzierl Engineering GmbH

The highlight for me in 2024 was the Light + Building fair in Frankfurt, where once again it was great to see the power of KNX presented by all manufacturers. A major topic was cyber security, driven by upcoming European CRA regulations. It is expected that new requirements will change the importance of existing systems, and KNX is in a very good position here since the homework has already been done with KNX Secure. Now and next year, it is time for all manufacturers to switch their offer to security and to keep an eye on the new regulations.
Lucy Han, Member of the KNX Executive Board and Building Automation Business Line Leader, ABB Electrification’s Smart Buildings Division

In 2024 KNX technology continued to make significant strides in integrating holistic building automation systems for enhanced user control and experience. In 2025 I expect more focus on energy-saving features to enable ever more sustainable buildings as well as enhanced security. Indeed we’re advancing several solutions in our KNX portfolio: our latest KNX-based Blind/Roller Shutter actuators address the growing emphasis on ‘smartification’ and energy-saving, and the efficient management of natural light and temperature for more sustainable living and working spaces. Our portfolio includes KNX Data Secure to ensure the highest standards in data protection and avoid unauthorised access to the KNX system. Weather data integration is another essential part of building automation, enabling significant improvements in energy efficiency that can reduce building operating costs over the long term.
Casto Cañavate, Marketing Team Leader of KNX Association

From a marketing perspective, 2024 saw a significant shift in three areas, namely events, communication and National Groups. At events such as the ISE and Light + Building shows, we showed our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint by introducing sustainable booths. We also took on a more dynamic digital presence through the KNX DIALogue series of online events, and our communication efforts saw remarkable growth on social media. We also improved the communication and coordination with our KNX National Groups worldwide.
With a new President and the impact of the NorthStar working groups in 2024, I expect 2025 to see improved collaboration and communication with KNX Members, simplified access to KNX technology for newcomers and professionals, and a renewed focus on using KNX to create more sustainable smart homes and buildings.
Michael Möller, Member of the KNX Executive Board and Owner of Voltus

2024 was a challenging year. At the end of 2023, KNX Association released KNX IoT, which we see as key to the success and future growth of KNX. End users of building automation want plug ‘n play functionality, and the world wants us, as the only global standard for building automation, to provide clear answers to the climate crisis. We must provide the impetus for KNX automated buildings to reduce CO2 emissions, and I’m confident that the community of KNX manufacturers will deliver.
2025 will be characterised by everyone involved in construction optimising their processes. We need interfaces for more interoperability in order to increase customer benefits. The planning of projects must work hand in hand with execution, and there are corresponding initiatives in the KNX Association and also in the national groups to make this possible. Above all, we are working on KIM (KNX Information Model) to form the basis for cross-trade communication.
Heinz Lux, CEO of KNX Association

At the end of another successful KNX year, we are proud to present the new ETS 6.3 version with a total of 27 new functions, and the first certified KNX IoT devices. We are also ready to meet the high requirements of the CRA through KNX Secure. Another highlight was Sustainability Month that took place in November in more than 20 countries, which openly demonstrated the success of KNX in combating climate change.
My thanks and recognition to the entire KNX community for the very active and successful KNX year 2024. Looking ahead to 2025, I know that we will rise to the challenges and great opportunities for KNX technology in the field of energy management and the use of AI technology in smart homes and smart buildings.
Yasmin Hashmi is the Editor of KNXtoday magazine.