If you would like to contribute an article or white paper then please email a synopsis to info@knxtoday.com.
Review: KNX highlights of 2024 and outlook for 2025
Yasmin Hashmi asks a selection of KNX Association personnel and board members for their highlights of 2024 and what they look forward to in 2025. Jean-Christophe Krieger, President of the KNX Association and KNX Chief
ETS6.3.0: changes to signing in, licensing, and creating a new project
Michael Critchfield gives us a closer look at some of the changes introduced in ETS6.3.0, including signing in, licensing, and creating a new project. ETS6.3.0 is here. In addition to the many improvements and bug
KNX and Matter: whatever the customer wants
Simon Buddle takes a look at Matter and how it can be integrated with KNX to offer a solution for any piece of smart technology a client might desire. I’ve got a few bits of
Women in KNX: Gabi Schermuly Wunderlich on supporting the next generation of women in the trades
In this interview with Katie Rose, Gabi Schermuly Wunderlich, Managing Director of ArGe Medien im ZVEH, shares how ZVEH is pioneering change for a female-friendly future for the industry. KNXtoday: Tell us about ZVEH and