Security: IP-BLiS on the IoT security landscape
As building control systems become part of the IoT, Bruno Johnson looks at the approach IP-BLiS is taking to security. Building control systems are vulnerable

Certified: VDE Approves KNX Secure
Top testing and certification organisation approves KNX Secure for its cyber security and robustness against attacks. The VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies)

KNX IoT: Broadening the KNX Development Landscape
Jesus Arias discusses how KNX IoT makes it even easier to create products, solutions and services, and explains the main features of the KNX IoT

Interview: Joost Demarest on what the IoT means for the KNX community
In this exclusive interview with KNXtoday, KNX Association CFO & CTO, Joost Demarest explains what the IoT means to the worldwide KNX community, how KNX

The New Living and Working Environment: KNX at the core of safe and energy-efficient spaces
Paul Foulkes looks at the way we must adapt buildings to provide safe, healthy and energy-efficient environments for living and working, and outlines why KNX

Interview: Jack He on KNX in China
In this exclusive interview with KNXtoday, President of KNX China, Jack He, discusses the progress KNX has made in China over the past decade, and

Leading the Market: KNX ranks top in independent survey
Yasmin Hashmi looks at the findings of a recent independent survey by smart home magazine, HiddenWires, which shows that KNX comes out top in terms

Integration of Disparate Systems in Commercial Buildings: IP-BLiS promotes common best practices
As building control technology converges with IT, the market interest group, IP-BLiS, is recommending the consistent use of Internet Protocol (IP) across the entire network.

Outlook for 2022: KNX Powers On
Yasmin Hashmi summarises interviews with the KNX Association and a selection of its members to see why KNX is so popular around the world, and

Smart Homes, Buildings and Cities: there can be no energy transition without KNX
Yasmin Hashmi provides highlights from the ‘Smart Energy Management with KNX’ panel discussion at the recent Smart Energy Summit, which discusses the importance of KNX