Case Study: Leicester University Centre for Medicine uses KNX to Reach Passivhaus Standard
By Jon Payne, Entech. The new Centre for Medicine at the University of Leicester is home to the College of Medicine, Biological Sciences and Psychology

The Design Argument for KNX: Part 1 – Style and Substance
By Paul Foulkes, EchoHouse Energy. Last month, Mark Warburton looked at the argument for using KNX in a smaller residential build, in particular as part

Trade Talk: Upgrades in Existing Buildings and those Difficult-to-get-to Places
By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. Well it’s back to reality for most of us I’m sure. After a few weeks R&R we’re heading back

Trade Talk: Why Developers Need an Integration Specialist
By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. I’ve been asked many times over the years, ‘How do you sell integrated systems?’ and I’ve always answered, ‘I

Tips: Commissioning and Installation
By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. If you have been following my previous articles on how to sell KNX, how to specify KNX and how to

Advice for Architects, Designers and Building Planners: Integrating Community Energy – Part 2
By Paul Foulkes, EchoHouse. Our use of energy is a major issue for the world. As Leonardo DiCaprio put it in his recent Oscar acceptance

Trade Talk: Whoever Has the Gold Makes the Rules – an upmarket lighting experience
By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. I’ve been on this one particular project for 18 months now. It has meandered its way slowly downstream, stopping

Advice for Architects, Designers and Building Planners: Integrating Community Energy – Part 1
By Paul Foulkes, EchoHouse. Technology for buildings could be about to take a leap forward. You can control your heating from an app on your

Solutions: KNX Multiroom and Multiuser Music Systems
By Charlotte Blissett-Griffiths, Ivory Egg (UK) Ltd. The ability to play music around the entire home has been around for a long time, but with

Trade Talk: Who is Eating the Pie – Electrician or Custom Installer?
By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. The summer is just about done and dusted for another year. The Tour de France yellow jersey is safely