The New Reality: using KNX to create virus-conscious buildings by treating internal spaces as a single environment
By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. One of the immediate impacts that the pandemic will have on our industry is changes to the specifications on new

Future-proofing: beware of smart home products with a limited lifespan
By Paul Foulkes, Theben and KNX UK. Not having to worry whether your technology is functioning as it should, whether it be your car starting,

Keeping your Distance: offering customers peace of mind through KNX remote access
By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. With everything that’s been going on over the last few months, it’s easy to forget the change of seasons, especially
Saving the Planet: the all-electric house
By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. So, I have officially ridden more miles on my bicycle this month than I have driven in my van,

Looking Past the Current Crisis: practical examples of helping the environment with KNX
By Yasmin Hashmi, KNXtoday. As I write, the world is facing two obvious crises; COVID-19 and the climate. In both cases, the most pressing imperative

Virtual Show: a selection of Spring KNX product previews and launches
By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. With everything going on around the world, it is really inspiring to see the way people and communities are working

View from America: OT interoperability – the key to intelligent buildings
By Philip R. Juneau. ‘Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems to interact with each other, whereby the technical interfaces to each system

KNX Presence Detectors: things have moved along
By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. Having spent the last few weeks on the road visiting various customers and specifiers, attending board meetings and delivering training,

View from America: KNX is key to the ultimate guest experience
By Philip R. Juneau, ATC. The hospitality market has shown consistent, significant growth over the years, and has been moving towards the highest end of

View from America: mastering intelligent room control through a combination of KNX and DALI
By Philip R. Juneau, ATC. You may think the title bold, but based on all of the successful and sustainable installations worldwide, I’m quite comfortable