Trade Talk: DALI 2 and what it Means for KNX

By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. I think I might have missed the fanfare heralding the arrival of DALI 2. Or is it just that it has flown under the radar somewhat, like military HALO troops whose goal is to drop through the radar screen unnoticed, or, at worst just as a single blip on […]

Overview: Cooperating to Grow the Influence of Home Control with End-users

By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. I saw a great post on LinkedIn recently, asking for recommendations for a smart home solution. Being from the building industry, the person who posted obviously had a lot of contacts that are able to offer some form of A/V or building control solution. Queue a load of replies from […]

Interview: Casto Cañavate on Planning Your KNX Visit at Light + Building 2018

If you want to see the world of KNX at its most impressive, Light + Building (18 – 23 March, Frankfurt, Germany) is the show for you. This biennial show is the world’s largest trade fair for lighting and building services technology, and it is here that KNX really shines. New products are launched, existing […]

Show Report: KNX at ISE 2018 Bursting at the Seams

By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. The RAI exhibition centre is now officially full to capacity. The Integrated Systems Europe Show filled every hall and hallway. It even created a new hall on the plaza in front of the main halls. Hall 15 is open for business. In amongst the projectors, displays and holograms were […]

Show Report: Smart Building Conference and ISE 2018 Show Highlights

By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. Once again ISE has broken all records with over 80,000 attendees visiting the 1200 exhibitors over the four-day event. With a new hall added to support the demand from manufacturers, the show was even bigger than ever. Even before the show officially opens, there is the Smart Building Conference along […]

Interview: Iris Jeglitza-Moshage Talks about Light + Building 2018

Light + Building is the world’s largest trade fair for lighting and building services technology. It takes place biennially and is organised by Messe Frankfurt – the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser. Light + Building (L+B) covers all electrically-controlled building services systems and supports integration in the planning of buildings and building […]

Interview: Mike Blackman, ISE

Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the world’s largest trade show for professional audio/visual manufacturers and service providers. It attracts over 1200 international exhibitors and 75,000 attendees to a four-day exhibition that takes place in Amsterdam every February (6-9 February 2018). It’s a B2B show held in 15 halls at the RAI Amsterdam, supplemented by a […]

Overview: What will 2018 Bring the KNX Industry?

By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. The beginning of another year – and in this year KNX will mark it 28th anniversary! I do often wonder at what point the founders of KNX realised that the system they had created was truly capable of establishing itself as the preferred solution for building automation. Without the Internet, […]

Trade Talk: Putting Power in the Hands of the Customer

By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. Whilst researching for an opening to this article, I did the usual Internet trawling to find some inspiration. Here were the top Google results for ‘Power’: ‘Should Donald Trump Have Power to Launch Nuclear Missiles?’ – an article in Time magazine. ‘Donald Trump betting odds’ – from the bookmaker, […]

Business: Wholesaler & Manufacturer Support for Systems Integrators on Large Projects

By Danny Lawless, ARK M&E Ltd. As KNX is being increasingly specified in home automation systems by consultants, especially in large multi-dwelling unit (MDU) high-rise buildings, the KNX part of the whole M&E (mechanical & electrical) tender is required to be costed as a specialist package. Some project tenders can be multi-stage, with the early […]