AVE offers a range of KNX toggle controls to add style to your systems

AVE offers a collection of KNX toggle controls for those who want to stand out with an original mix of vintage and contemporary design. Many solutions are available for different types of environments: AVE New Style 44 in glass – this range is the emblem of modernity, with chrome-colored toggles and ferrules combined with exclusive […]

ise announces availability of KNX RF Multi radiator thermostat

The ise KNX RF Multi radiator thermostat is here! Immediately enhances the ease of living after a straightforward, wireless installation: Whether in a new or existing building, the energy-saving radiator thermostat ensures a comfortable temperature throughout the house. With boost function, integrated temperature sensor or actual temperature via KNX and many more functions, it not […]

ABB offers endless functionality with KNX APP-Control Server

Endless functionality: total control, one App. Discover the power of the ABB i-bus® KNX APP-Control Server. From lighting and climate control to security and energy management, our app puts the power of efficient building management right at your fingertips. With a refreshed user-friendly interface and seamless integrations, it’s the perfect solution for modern buildings and […]

ISE opens registration for 2025 event

The world-renowned annual tech show invites you to open your EYES & EARS to the SIGHTS & SOUNDS of tomorrow. Registration for the AV industry’s event of the year is now open. Registration is now open for Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), the world-renowned annual tech show for the systems integration and audiovisual industry. Returning to […]

KNX Awards 2024: 15th edition spotlights the best in smart home and building automation

Each day, visionary, creative, and innovative smart home and building projects are brought to fruition using KNX technology. After an extensive application process for the KNX Awards 2024, a panel of esteemed experts selected 55 outstanding KNX projects from a large pool of submissions. Of these, 12 projects and 1 KNX Member were honored with […]

Theben offers added security with KNX Data Secure for thePiccola KNX Mini presence detector

The new generation of thePiccola Mini presence detectors are now also available as KNX versions. KNX Data Secure ensures optimum protection against data theft and manipulation. The electronics have now been integrated into the one-piece device housing. This simplifies ceiling installation considerably, especially in suspended ceilings. In addition, thePiccola is not only available in white, […]

JUNG KNX area/line coupler supports secure connection of two different segments

The area / line coupler from JUNG is the central element for a secure KNX system. The device offers flexibility and control in the management of KNX lines or segments in the KNX Smart Building. For completely secure communication, all devices in a system must use KNX Data Secure. However, not all components may be […]