Business: Do We Need a KNX Partner Certification Maintenance Programme?

By Jesús Arias García, KNXin. As part of my email sign off, I display the two certifications of which I am proudest: • KNX Partner (KONNEX Partner). • PMP (Project Management Professional). Both require a reasonable amount of effort and commitment to attain, and both are very well considered amongst professionals in their respective fields. […]
Best Practice: KNX and Security

By Simon Buddle, KNXtoday. The KNX system offers many great features, from the mundane, day-to-day housekeeping functions such as room temperature monitoring to the more sophisticated control of music, door intercoms, and gates. One of the key benefits that I have always believed strongly in, is the facility to automate tasks, to remove a layer […]
Event Report: International ETS5 Premiere Conference for Training Centres

By Rafal Borek, Home of Technologies. Portugal is renowned for its weather, wine and food, and now, thanks to our host KNX Portugal, and the excellent college facilities at the ATEC training academy in Lisbon for anyone interested in KNX and building automation, I have even more good impressions of the country. The conference to […]
Solutions: Ventilation Control Using KNX

By Sophie Thomas, Ivory Egg. Hopefully summer is on its way, the BBQ gets its annual outing and we pray that we’ll get at least a few days of sunshine to enjoy. Over the past week, temperatures have been rising and this prompts us to think about ventilation. In this article we take a look […]
Dr KNX: Using a KNX USB Interface with Windows 8.1

By Dr KNX. Dear KNXer, The update from Windows 8.0 to 8.1 saw a ‘USB Sleep Mode’ feature added in order to save energy. Unfortunately KNX devices do not support this feature yet, and are therefore simply switched off by Windows 8.1. The only workaround is to switch this newly-introduced ‘USB Sleep Mode’ feature off. […]
Country Profile: KNX New Zealand

By Colin Price, Ivory Egg. KNX New Zealand was formed in 2014 by ABB, Siemens and a handful of enlightened KNX engineers. Its aim is to promote KNX as an open protocol to the New Zealand building trade. There are a few projects that have been completed with KNX over the last few years in […]
Case Study: KNX Installation in Rural Residential Property, Northumberland, UK

By Rachel Wilkinson, My KNX Store. The project involved an extensive refurbishment and extension of a rural residential property in Northumberland, UK. The whole project took 18 months, with the home control installation being carried out between January and December 2012. The architect for the project was Nicholson Nairn, who worked closely with My KNX […]
Gira Offers New Generation of KNX Push-Button Bus Couplers
Optimised switch feedback and new options Because of its improved mechanical systems, the new generation of Gira KNX push-button bus couplers offers an optimised switch feedback and can be integrated in the System 55, E22, S-Color, and now also in the F100 and TX_44 switch ranges. The surface-mounted variants are water-protected in accordance with IP […]
BEMCO Launches Central London KNX Training Centre at its Flagship Wandsworth Branch

BEMCO, British Electrical & Manufacturing Company, electrical wholesaler since 1893, has launched the first central London certified KNX Training centre. The training facility is designed to provide 1) training and certification for electrical contractors, 2) a workshop for existing integrators to keep up to speed with new products that KNX manufacturers release, and 3) a […]
Amaisys Training Center Introduces its KNX Training Lab Online Platform in Spanish, English, Russian and Arabic
KNX is a worldwide standard for intelligent building control and home automation. The demand of the products and services based on the use of the KNX protocol has grown exponentially on the last years. Amaisys Training Center offers official international courses to obtain the KNX system integrator certification. Amaisys Training Center provides courses for KNX […]