CEDIA Announces Approval for Smart Home Technician Apprenticeship Standard
CEDIA® is delighted to announce that The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) has approved the development of a Smart Home Technician Apprenticeship standard. This standard is set to encourage young professionals to enter the home technology industry and develop a career within this sector. Since 2013, the government welcomes employer groups, Trailblazers, to […]
Datec Electronic Offers Flush-Mounted KNX/DALI Gateway
The KNX / DALI Gateway is a device for controlling and monitoring up to 8 DALI ballast. With its KNX input which is transformed into a DALI signal it is not necessary to have complex electrical installations, and due to its decentralized housing it can be installed near the lighting equipment to avoid additional costs […]
eu.bac Report Shows Cost-Effective Potential of Building Automation is Missed at EU Member State Level
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is a big step in the right direction for improving the energy performance of EU’s building stock. However, as it looks today, it doesn’t grasp the cost-effective potential of building automation and controls. Furthermore, the results of the survey show Member States even fell short in effectively transposing […]
Smart Building 2016 Features Innovative Products Including TENSE KNX Switches

Those attending Smart Building 2016 will be treated to a host of new products, materials and services with many of the show’s exhibitors planning launches at the event in October. One of the most exciting products due to be launched at this year’s event will be the Framery Q Booth. Framery is a Finnish company, […]
QYResearch Publishes KNX Products Market Report Covering Trends and Forecast for 2016-2021
The KNX Products Market research report is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the KNX Products industry. The report provides a basic overview of the Global KNX Products Industry including definitions, classifications, applications and market chain structure. The KNX Products Market analysis is provided for the international market including development history, […]
KNX Association Welcomes OSRAM as 400th Member

KNX, the worldwide standard for home and building control (ISO/IEC 14543), strengthen the Internationalisation of this leading technology with OSRAM Licht AG joining the community. KNX is known for its high degree of interoperability between products of different manufacturers and different application domains, and proudly welcomes OSRAM as the 400th member. OSRAM, based in Munich, […]
Eriksson Sähkötiimi Renovates Historic Jugendlinna with ABB KNX Automation System
Art Nouveau on the outside, KNX building automation on the inside Jugendlinna in Turku, Finland is one of the most carefully conserved buildings in town. This historically significant building is going to be converted into more than 20 apartments. Their lighting control will be based on intelligent KNX building automation. Jugendlinna (eng. Jugend castle) in […]
Janus Technology Releases Control4 KNX Universal Thermostat Driver
Janus Technology, the Cambridge-‐based software consultancy, has announced the immediate release of a new Control4 KNX Universal thermostat driver. KNX has standardised bus communication, allowing devices from over 300 manufacturers across 37 countries to inter-‐operate. However, there is little standardisation as to what features the devices provide and how they are controlled. The approach Janus […]
Smart Summit London

Smart Summit London 19-20 September 2017 London, UK www.iotsmartsummitlondon.com Smart Summit is a 2 day conference and exhibition covering the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and its impact on the digital society. Now in its 3rd year, the event features Europe’s leading Smart Home Summit and a further 5 tracks all designed to compliment each other including; […]
KNX UK Hosts Seminar and Networking Event at The Manufacturing Technology Centre
DATE AND TIME Tue 4 October 2016 13:30 – 17:00 LOCATION The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), Coventry KNX UK is hosting a special afternoon event with guest speakers and an opportunity for those that attend to catch up with other members and industry professionals over some refreshments. Timetable of Event 12:30 – 13:30 ~ Tour […]