TAPKO Uses KNX Secure RF Protocol for its LINKY RF Smart Meter Security Solution
ROHM LAPIS ML7345 – A New Solution for KNXRF Multi Secure v2.3 KNX RF Multi Secure is the STANDARD protocol for the ERL module TAPKO Gossé&Tech has delivered the first implementation of a security solution for the LINKY RF smart meter using open standards. For KNX communication, the wireless ERL module (Emetteur Radio LINKY) utilizes […]
Country Profile: Republic of Kosovo

By Skender Shala, Miniproject. Several years ago, after the conflict in 1999, there was a shortage of residential buildings in the main cities of Kosovo. This caused a boom in the construction industry, which now accounts for nearly 10% of all registered companies. Around the same percentage of all employed people are also involved in […]
Interview: Mike Blackman, Integrated Systems Europe

It’s that time of year again when the smart building industry is gearing up for ISE. Has much changed since last year? The answer is yes. The show is bigger and there is even more for the KNX professional to enjoy. In this exclusive interview with KNXtoday, ISE Director Mike Blackman tells us what to […]
SAUTER Joins the KNX Association
As a leading provider of solutions for building automation technology in Green Buildings, SAUTER provides pleasant conditions and a sense of well-being in sustainable environments. SAUTER is a specialist in developing, producing and marketing products and systems for energy-efficient total solutions, and offers a comprehensive range of services to ensure the energy-optimised operation of buildings. […]
KNX Association Showcases its Members Home and Building Control Solutions at ISE 2017

The Show ISE, Integrated Systems Europe, is Europe´s no. 1 show for professional AV and electronic systems integrations. Whatever your level of interest in audiovisual technology might be, ISE has something for you and many also benefit from of the diverse range of education and networking opportunities available before and during the show. The fair […]
My KNX Store Training Academy Enables Electrician to Open up New Opportunities

The opportunity to test his skills on some of the most prestigious homes in the North East is now part of the regular working day for electrician Gary Warne. Gary, 48, formed his business Kenton House Electricals Limited six years ago with the aim of looking for a niche in the market that differentiated him […]

With Start@KNX we open the door to the world of buildings with KNX to you! Become part of the worldwide growing KNX community and dive straight into the field of home and building control. “Start@KNX” offers an overview of the various training options, accompanying material and identifies how teaching materials and methods can effectively be […]
Memoori ‘Cyber Security in 2017! What can Smart Buildings expect?’ Webinar

Wednesday 11th Janaury, 4pm GMT Cyber Security in 2017! What can Smart Buildings expect? A Q&A Webinar with Billy Rios, Founder of WhiteScope LLC. We will be discussing what lessons can be learnt from the Dyn DDoS Attack. Webinar Highlights… -Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack. What is the malware software, Mirai, and how did […]
Futuresource at CES 2017: The 5 Big Trends Webinar

17:00 (GMT) (09:00 PST / 18:00 CET) on Friday 13 January 2017 CES 2017 will serve up a blizzard of product announcements and innovations spanning VR & 360º, voice, connected car, smart tech, display technology, drones, high-res & smart audio – and much, much more. Webinar participants will hear the Futuresource team distil the key […]
CES 5 Technology Trends to Watch

Accessibility overlays all of the topics covered in this year’s Five Technology Trends to Watch: • Voice assistants: regardless of your preferred assistant, these technologies are enabling control of your home and access to information through voice recognition. In addition to this bene t to the general public, these features can be crucial to people […]