Technavio Expects Demand to Conserve Energy to Boost the Global Smart Buildings Market
The global smart buildings market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 12% during the forecast period, according to Technavio’s latest report. Global smart buildings market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 12% during the forecast period, 2017-2021. Smart building is the integration of building automation with analytical tools of […]
KNX UK Award Winners Share Insights at Network Event
KNX UK 2017 Award Winners revealed the inside stories of their success to the KNX community at the Star Tavern in London last Thursday 6th July. Speakers from IBT Group (formerly known as EnTech), Sagar Smart Homes, Union Systems, Hughes Electra and Schneider Electric gathered to talk through their award-winning projects and products in front […]
HDL Introduces the M/DALI.1 KNX DALI Interface

KNX & DALI. Better together. Include the world’s international standard for lighting control into your KNX automation solution with the revolutionary HDL M/DALI.1 KNX DALI interface. Able to control a massive 64 DALI devices even the most complex lighting installation can now be managed by a standard KNX automation system. Quickly install onto a standard […]
Trade Talk: Considerations When Controlling Blinds with KNX

By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. It’s that time of year again when the sun streams into my bedroom at about 04:00 and stays there, unrelentingly, until late afternoon – such is the orientation of my home. I also sleep in an eaves room with Velux windows. Although there are blackout blinds on them, they […]
Case Study: Automation of a Self-Sufficient Eco-Apartment Complex in Slovenia using KNX

By Flavio Sanches, ComfortClick. The Ankaran complex comprises ten apartments, a concierge’s office, a wine cellar and a swimming pool. It is located in the coastal region of Slovenia, and as such, has high solar incidence and good wind power density. ComfortClick was contacted by the Ankaran project team at the end of 2015 to […]
Tips: How to Get Along with ETS5

By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. As a distributor of KNX we are regularly contacted by customers asking about the KNX commissioning tool, ETS5, and how to purchase it. There is also the occasional complaint about software bugs or lack of functionality in the software. Although we do provide a lite version of the software during […]
Business Opportunities: KNX – the Perfect Backbone for Voice Control of Buildings

By Dejan Bukovnik, Voxior. The revolution of intuitive hands-free computing is already here. According to Mark Warburton of Ivory Egg, this is “the first time people have communicated with computers and machines using our own natural interface instead of a machine interface such as a keyboard, mouse or screen.” Leading the way in this revolution […]
KNX Applications and Solutions Air Conditioning Webinar Video

Thanks to KNX individual room control, you can achieve up to 60% of energy saving. A major part in this great achievement is “Air Condition Control”, the topic of the upcoming KNX Applications and Solutions webinar This webinar explains comprehensively, how Air Condition Integration with KNX can easily be achieved. Featuring the KNX Member Intesis, […]
Iridium Mobile Launches iRidium Server UMC – a KNX Multipurpose Logic Controller

Iridum Mobile has announced the European launch of iRidium server UMC, a controller for automation systems, including KNX and IoT devices. iRidium server UMC supports KNX, BACnet, Modbus and MQTT, and has a built-in Global Caché IR database. It supports javascript, block schemes, and has a built-in engine for schedules and rules. An extensive API, […]
Ardomus Networks Joins the KNX Association
Ardomus Networks Corporation is a startup company from Taiwan that focuses on IoT connectivity technology development. The company intends to develop and provide connectivity solutions for building automation applications, more specifically a protocol gateway which translates between heterogeneous devices.