Smart Building Conference Offers Free Walking Tour at ISE 2020

Smart Building Conference presents a walking tour across ISE 2020 to view the latest developments in smart buildings, smart homes and smart workplaces. Led by industry expert, Bob Snyder, Content Chairman of the Smart Building Conference, this two-hour tour highlights some of the most important smart technologies and solutions being showcased at ISE 2020. Date/Time: […]
Enter the KNX 2020 Awards and Win an Amazon Gift Card
The KNX Awards is a long-standing competition that puts the smartest KNX home and building projects in the picture. Hand in your projects in one of the 5 categories selected by the Award Jury or become the people’s champion by winning the People’s Choice Award. Each winner gets €1000 prize money, an award trophy and […]
BEMCO Offers Free KNX Product Training for Theben

BEMCO is running a KNX manufacturer training day for Theben on Wednesday 20th November. Theben KNX Training – Wednesday 20th November 2019, 9.00am – 12.00pm This training will focus on the popular products within the Theben range. Paul Foulkes, KNX Sales Manager at Theben UK will be here to answer your questions. On-site demonstrations and […]
CEDIA Announces New Cybersecurity Workshop for ISE 2020
10th February, 09:00 – 18:00 at the Hotel Okura, Amsterdam The world of integrated systems is changing. Now nearly all devices are connected to the IP network. The concepts of network security and privacy have evolved to be critical components of every system design, implementation, and aftercare plan. The lead instructor for the course will […]
KNX Thermostats: intelligence in heating control
By Mark Warburton, Ivory Egg. It’s getting cold out, well in the Northern Hemisphere anyway, so it must be time for an article about heating control. The decentralised nature of KNX makes it ideal for heating control, particularly in systems with many zones and device types. Integrating UFH with radiators for boost, along with air-conditioning […]
View from America: KNX as the future standard for the USA

By Philip R. Juneau, ATC. As this is the inaugural article for my ‘View from America’ column, I’d like to be upfront about my main goal, which is to promote the adoption of KNX in the USA. So I thought I’d start by focusing on the simplicity and benefits of KNX when applied here and, […]
Security: safeguarding your customers’ networks

By Simon Buddle, Future Ready Homes. I’ve been around long enough to know a time when people left their front doors unlocked during the day. People would pop in for a tea and chat, children running between houses to gather up the gang before heading off down to the river or out into the fields […]
Report: KNX International Training Centre Conference

By Julian Barkes, BEMCO. The annual Training Centre Conference took place on 18th October at the Grand Hotel Bristol, Stresa, Italy, overlooking the beautiful Lake Maggiore, a very pleasant 45-minute train journey from Milan. KNX Certification Manager, Ufuk Unal, went through the updates that have been made to the training documentation this year and floated […]
Sponsor’s Article: reconstructing a KNX home configuration out of the ETS project file to quickly retrofit voice control, visualisation apps and the IoT

By Urban Marovt, 1Home Solutions The global home automation market is going crazy at the moment, to the point where it seems that soon, every device we bring into our homes will be smart. Over the past three years, the IoT has gained a lot of traction due to its user-friendliness and the fact that […]
KNX Association Announces 50% Off ETS Inside and Mini PC Lottery in November

Do you wish you could have your KNX installation in the palm of your hands? KNX Association made this dream come true with the newest version of ETS Inside. It will simply put the programming of your house at your fingertips and you can even transfer your ETS project file if you have one! You […]