Dr KNX: The Impact of ETS5

By Dr KNX. Dear KNXer, Let’s start with the basics. ETS stands for Engineering Tool Software; a Windows-based manufacturer-independent configuration software tool to design and configure intelligent home and building control installations with the KNX system. ETS5 is the latest edition and is available in two versions, namely ETS5 Lite and ETS5 Professional. ETS5 Lite […]
Dr KNX: ETS4 and PC Stability Issues

By Dr KNX. Dear KNXer, KNX Association has a team of software experts who test ETS versions before each release. A version will only be released after a number of standard tests have been conducted on all officially-supported Windows versions. See www.knx.org/knx-en/software/ets/ets4/installation/index.php. These tests are always done with a freshly-installed version of Windows; this is […]
Dr KNX: Updating ETS4 Despite a Proxy-Related Issue

By Dr KNX. Dear KNXer, KNX Association decided to allow ETS updates only for valid licenses, in order to avoid the illegal use of ETS. Depending on its configuration settings, ETS checks for available updates either automatically or manually. Before installing such an update, ETS checks whether any installed licenses are valid. If there is […]
Dr KNX: Using a KNX USB Interface with Windows 8.1

By Dr KNX. Dear KNXer, The update from Windows 8.0 to 8.1 saw a ‘USB Sleep Mode’ feature added in order to save energy. Unfortunately KNX devices do not support this feature yet, and are therefore simply switched off by Windows 8.1. The only workaround is to switch this newly-introduced ‘USB Sleep Mode’ feature off. […]
Dr KNX: Opening the ETS4 Database

By Dr KNX. Dear KNXer, KNX Association chose the Microsoft SQL Server as the database engine for ETS4 because this meant that they did not need to develop a proprietary database engine from scratch. There are, however, some consequences of this approach, such as not being able to just move ETS4 database files, not even […]
Dr KNX: ETS4 User Interface Questions

By Dr KNX. Dear KNXers, I am sure that by now you have heard the news about the forthcoming new-generation ETS5 software. Well this is not planned to be available until October 2014. In the meantime, many of you are still getting to know ETS4, so this month I will deal with a number of […]
Dr KNX: Problems Updating ETS4

By Dr KNX. Dear KNXer, In order to prevent the illegal use of ETS, the KNX Association decided to allow ETS updates for valid licences only. Depending on its configuration settings, ETS checks for available updates either automatically or manually, but before installing any updates, ETS also checks whether all installed licences are valid. If […]