Somfy Offers Animeo KNX IP Wireless Interface

Interface between WLAN and the KNX bus The KNX IP Interface wireless is a WLAN interface to the KNX/ EIB bus. It can be used instead of a USB or wire-bound IP inter- face, e.g. for ETS3. Utilising the wireless technology the installer can now move unhindered throughout the building. The KNX IP Interface wireless […]

Best Practice: The Case for Integrated Heating Control

By Simon Buddle, SMC. Some people don’t know how lucky they are. I come from a small market town right in the middle of Nowhere. It has few redeeming features, except perhaps seeing the ‘Welcome to Nowhere’ sign beating a hasty retreat in the car’s rear view mirror. A line from the film ‘Paint Your […]

DGLogik Announces KNX Support for its DGBox Appliance Platform

Making the most useful protocols available to our clients is one of many deliverables of DGLogik. With tremendous success in building automation throughout Europe, the DGBox now offers the KNX Protocol! As DGLogik expands around the globe, we will be continuing to announce the latest and greatest in order to further minimize engineering and development […]

Case Study: The Crystal – A Siemens Sustainable Cities Initiative Featuring KNX

By Chris Topham, Abtec Group. Covering over 6,300 square metres, The Crystal, a sustainable cities initiative by Siemens, is a unique, all-electric building in the heart of London’s Green Enterprise District. The building is both and exhibition centre and a working office for Siemens. It represents Siemens’ expertise in building the technology for sustainable cities […]

Lesswire Launches KBear Embedded KNX-RF Module

The KBear from Lesswire is a compact industrial-grade QFN wireless OEM module with embedded KNX-RF protocol and outstanding performance. It supports communication distances of about 500m in line of sight. It has a UART interface for serial communication and configuration as well as a one-pin antenna connection. The KBear module is certified for operation under […]

Weinzierl Launches New Website

KNX Developer Weinzierl has launched a completely revised and redesigned website for its KNX products and solutions. The company offers certified system software not only for Twisted Pair (TP 1), but also for Powerline (PL110), radio (KNX-RF) and Ethernet (KNXnet / IP). Its system software is available both as a standalone product and as a […]

Ingenium Adds BUSing-KNX Gateway to its Smart Home System

The Ingenium BUSing-KNX Gateway allows the interconnection between a BUSing® installation and a KNX® installation. It offers two options: – Integrating a device or a KNX® installation in a BUSing® installation, using the BUSing® Development System (SIDE or SIDE-Kits); – integrating a device or a BUSing® installation in a KNX installation, using the software Project […]

Global Caché and Intesis Software Form Strategic Partnership

Global Cache Connectivity Products Seamlessly Integrate with Intesis Control Solutions Global Caché, the leading independent manufacturer of WiFi and network enabling connectivity products for the control and automation market, and Intesis, a global home and building automation manufacturing company focused on producing hardware and software control and automation solutions, announced today they have formed a […]