Hello [NAME]
With ISE just over, we have a couple of show reports hot off the press. One is from Simon Buddle, who gives us a general flavour of the show, plus some of his top picks from the KNX technology on offer. The other is by Mark Warburton, who presents his highlights from the Smart Building Conference as well as the ISE show floor. If you concur with Simon or Mark, or have your own highlights that you'd like to share, by all means leave a comment at the end of either article.
Both gentlemen make reference to the forthcoming Light + Building show that takes place next month, so it is with great pleasure that our top slot is an interview with Iris Jeglitza-Moshage of Messe Frankfurt, who explains why L+B is a must on every KNX professional's calendar.
We also have plenty of news at the website, as well as the resources section which is packed full of useful documents and videos. If you have any projects you would like us to consider for publication, do get in touch, and don't forget to send a picture of you, your smile and the KNX logo for our 'Where is KNX?' gallery.
-Yasmin Hashmi, Managing Editor
Light + Building 2018 - the world’s largest trade fair for lighting and building services technology - takes place in Frankfurt from 18-23 March. Our coverage of all things KNX-related can be found on our Spotlight on Light+Building 2018 page, and we will be adding to this in the run up to the event. If you are exhibiting KNX products or services, send us your show news before it's too late!
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-Stella Plumbridge, Publisher
Interview: Iris Jeglitza-Moshage Talks about Light + Building 2018 - Light + Building is the world’s largest trade fair for lighting and building services technology. It takes place biennially and is organised by Messe Frankfurt – the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser. Light + Building (L+B) covers ...
Show Report: KNX at ISE 2018 Bursting at the Seams
Show Report: Smart Building Conference and ISE 2018 Show Highlights
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