Hello [NAME]
We start this month with a write-up of the KNX annual conference for training centres, by Julian Barkes of BEMCO. Julian lists key developments for training centres in terms of materials, procedures, assistance, documentation updates and changes to the MyKNX Training Centre Management Tool, and also provides links to some fascinating presentations given by manufacturers on new products and technologies.
Mark Warburton of Ivory Egg discusses the flexibility of KNX to work seamlessly with protocols that are designed for specific applications, such as DALI and SMI, in order to create a backbone for larger systems and improve end solutions.
For those new to the world of KNX, Vassilios Lourdas of KNX Association provides an excellent overview of how a KNX system is structured and programmed. Vassilios describes the current state of ETS Professional, the software tool for programming KNX systems, and how ETS is likely to develop.
Finally, our regular columnist and professional systems integrator, Simon Buddle, looks at the practicalities of taking over an existing project, As always, Simon provides some great advice and useful tips based on his wealth of experience.
We also have plenty of news at the website, plus the resources section which is packed full of useful documents and videos. If you have any projects you would like us to consider for publication, do get in touch, and don't forget to send a picture of you, your smile and the KNX logo for our 'Where is KNX?' gallery!
-Yasmin Hashmi, Managing Editor
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-Stella Plumbridge, Publisher
Event Report: KNX Annual Conference for Training Centres - By Julian Barkes, Bemco. The annual KNX Annual Conference for Training Centres took place on October 16th at the Höhere Technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt (Htbluva or HTL) school in St. Pölten, a 30-minute drive from the Schönbrunn Palace where the...
Overview: The Flexibility of KNX with External DALI and SMI Systems
Introduction: Programming KNX Installations using ETS, Now and in the Future
Trade Talk: Taking Over an Existing Installation
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