Hello [NAME]
We start November with an article by Urban Marovt of 1Home Solutions on how a smart home configuration from an existing ETS project file can be reconstructed automatically using the 1Home algorithm. It can then be used to quickly retrofit voice control, visualisation apps and the IoT to the KNX installation.
With the temperature dropping in the Northern Hemisphere, Mark Warburton points out that the decentralised nature of KNX makes it ideal for heating control, particularly in systems with many zones and device types. He goes on to discuss different aspects of intelligent heating control using KNX thermostats.
We then welcome our new regular contributor, Philip Juneau, with his View from America. Phil is unabashedly striving to increase the adoption of KNX in the USA, and starts with an overview of the benefits of the protocol.
Next, Simon Buddle outlines strategies for safeguarding customers' networks from being hacked, and explains why he is keen to see wider implementation of KNX Secure. And finally, for those who could not make the recent annual KNX International Training Centre Conference in Stresa, Italy, Julian Barkes provides a super summary of the points discussed.
We also present you with our top stories, events and resources this month and if that's not enough, there's plenty more at the website. Finally, if you have any news projects or topics you would like us to consider for publication, do get in touch!

Sponsor’s Article: reconstructing a KNX home configuration out of the ETS project file to quickly retrofit voice control, visualisation apps and the IoT
KNX Thermostats: intelligence in heating control
View from America: KNX as the future standard for the USA
Security: safeguarding your customers’ networks
Report: KNX International Training Centre Conference
KNX Launches a Free Virtual Solution
KNX Association Announces 50% Off ETS Inside and Mini PC Lottery in November
ABB Announces New i-bus KNX Combi Switch Actuators Offering Flexibility with Compact Design
ISE Invites You to Make Deeper Connections at 2020 Event
BEMCO Offers Free KNX Product Training for Zennio and Theben